Thursday, June 16, 2016

Introduction Of Statistical Data
n  Primary data – data you collect
         Example :
·         Surveys
·         Focus groups
·         Questionnaires
·         Personal interviews
·         Experiments and observational study
n  Secondary data – data someone else has collected
         Example :
·         County health departments
·         Vital Statistics – birth, death certificates
·         Hospital, clinic, school nurse records
·         Private and foundation databases
·         City and county governments

n  Qualitative Data - Can be separated into different categories that are distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristics
       Deals with descriptions.
       Data can be observed but not measured.
       Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc.
       Qualitative → Quality
  n  Quantitative Data - Numbers representing counts or measurements
       Deals with numbers.
       Data which can be measured.
       Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc.
       Quantitative → Quantity

Example 1:  Oil Painting
Qualitative data:
·         red/green color, gold frame
·         smells old and musty
   ·         texture shows brush strokes of oil paint
·         peaceful scene of the country
·         masterful brush strokes
Example 1:  Oil Painting
Quantitative data:
·         picture is 10" by 14”
·         with frame 14" by 18”
·         weighs 8.5 pounds
    ·         surface area of painting is 140 sq. in.
·         cost $300

Example 2:  Latte
Qualitative data:
*robust aroma
*frothy appearance
* strong taste
*glass cup
Example 2:  Latte
Quantitative data:
*12 ounces of latte
*serving temperature 1500 F.
*serving cup 7 inches in height
*cost $4.95

Example 3:  Freshman Class
Qualitative data:
*friendly demeanors
*civic minded
*positive school spirit
Example 3:  Freshman Class
Quantitative data:
*672 students
*394 girls, 278 boys
*68% on honor roll
*150 students accelerated in mathematics

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