Sunday, July 10, 2016


      ·         Probabilities are written as fractions or decimals, and less often as percentages
      ·         An event can have several possible outcomes
      ·         Each outcome has a probability or chance of occurring
      ·         When a fair dice is thrown there is equal chance of throwing each number.  The outcomes from the event throwing a dice are equally likely outcomes
      ·         If the outcomes of an event are equally likely, the probability can be calculated using:
Probability of an event = number of successful outcomes
                                                Total number of possible outcomes

      ·         Outcomes that cannot happen at the same time are called mutually exclusive outcomes
      ·         E.g. A dice is rolled.  It shows 5.  It is rolled again.  It shows 2. These events cannot happen at the same time.  They are mutually exclusive
      ·         The total probability of mutually exclusive outcomes is 1.  An event cannot happen and not happen at the same time
      ·         The sum of the probabilities of mutually exclusive outcomes is 1
      ·         Probability of rolling a 5
= 1 – Probability of NOT rolling a 5.

       ·         If two events, A and B are mutually exclusive:
            ·         P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
       ·         This is known as the “OR” rule or addition rule for mutually exclusive probabilities.

  ü  Two events are independent when the probability of one event happening is not affected by the outcome of the other event
  ü E.g.  Roll a dice and flip a coin.
Event A:  the dice shows an odd number
Event B:  the coin shows tails.
These events are independent.  Neither outcome can influence the other.
  ü Are these events independent?
You go outside.  Event A:  It is snowing Event B:  It is cold

  §        To find the probability of two independent events both happening, multiply the individual probabilities together
  §         If A and B are individual events
P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
This is the AND rule or multiplication rule.
E.g.  The probability of rolling an odd number on a dice AND flipping a coin to get tails is:
P(Odd) x P(Tails) = ½ x ½ = ¼

Probability (cont.)

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